Pierre Monnin

Junior Fellow in AI at Université Côte d'Azur
Research within the Wimmics team
Teaching within EFELIA Côte d'Azur

ORCID iD icon

I3S Laboratory
930 Route des Colles, BP 145
06903 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Pierre Monnin

Current position

I am a Junior Fellow in AI at Université Côte d'Azur, member of the Wimmics team of the I3S laboratory.

My research focuses on the different steps of the knowledge graph lifecycle (construction, knowledge discovery, matching, refinement, mining), and their usage in various downstream applications (e.g., recommender systems, explainable AI). I am particularly interested in interactions between domain knowledge represented in knowledge graphs and different forms of reasoning in a neurosymbolic perspective (e.g., benefits of injecting domain knowledge in Machine Learning models, analogical reasoning). My work involves both theoretical and applied perspectives, often in interdisciplinary settings (e.g., biomedical, educational domains). I was the Principal Investigator of the ECLADATTA project and I am an Investigator of the AT2TA project (both funded by the French National Research Agency).

International research stays

  • January 2024: Visiting Fellow at Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (Bari, Italy). 3-week visit with Claudia d'Amato

Previous positions


Knowledge graphs - Semantic Web - Graph Embedding - Neurosymbolic AI


  • September 2024: We have an open fixed-term research engineer position (18 months). Feel free to contact me for more info!
  • August 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of the Semantics & Knowledge Track of TheWebConf 2025
  • July 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of the Knowledge & Natural Language Processing Track of SAC 2025
  • July 2024: Our demo paper "KGPrune: a Web Application to Extract Subgraphs of Interest from Wikidata with Analogical Pruning" has been accepted in ECAI 2024
  • July 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of EKAW 2024
  • June 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of the Posters & Demos Track of ISWC 2024
  • June 2024: This year again we propose the Pharmacogenomics Track in the 2024 edition of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative
  • June 2024: I had the pleasure to give a talk entitled "Aligning complex units in knowledge graphs - Symbolic and neuro-symbolic approaches for pharmacogenomics" at the ANR AGGREEY meeting
  • May 2024: Honored to have received two best paper awards at ESWC 2024
    • Best student research paper award for our paper "Treat Different Negatives Differently: Enriching Loss Functions with Domain and Range Constraints for Link Prediction"
    • Best resource paper award for our paper "PyGraft: Configurable Generation of Synthetic Schemas and Knowledge Graphs at Your Fingertips"
  • May 2024: Our extended abstract "PyGraft: un outil Python pour la génération de schémas et graphes de connaissance synthétiques" in French and based on our ESWC 2024 paper has been accepted in IC 2024
  • April 2024: Our extended abstract "Enrichissement de fonctions de perte avec contraintes de domaine et co-domaine pour la prédiction de liens dans les graphes de connaissance" in French and based on our ESWC 2024 paper has been accepted in CNIA 2024
  • April 2024: Our poster "RDFminer: an Interactive Tool for the Evolutionary Discovery of SHACL Shapes" has been accepted in ESWC 2024
  • April 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of RJCIA 2024
  • March 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of ECML-PKDD 2024
  • February 2024: Our two papers "PyGraft: Configurable Generation of Synthetic Schemas and Knowledge Graphs at Your Fingertips" and "Treat Different Negatives Differently: Enriching Loss Functions with Domain and Range Constraints for Link Prediction" have been accepted in ESWC 2024
  • February 2024: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of ECAI 2024
  • January 2024: Happy to visit Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro (Bari, Italy) for 3 weeks to work with Claudia d'Amato and to give an invited talk entitled "Neuro-symbolic approaches for the knowledge graph lifecycle" at the Seminar of the PhD Program in Computer Science and Mathematics
  • January 2024: Our paper "An Algorithm Based on Grammatical Evolution for Discovering SHACL Constraints" with Rémi Felin, Catherine Faron and Andrea Tettamanzi has been accepted at EuroGP 2024
  • December 2023: I have been invited as a member of the guest editorial board of the Special Issue on Ontology Matching and Machine Learning of the Semantic Web Journal
  • December 2023: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of ESWC 2024 resources track
  • December 2023: I had the pleasure to give an invited talk entitled "Neuro-symbolic approaches for the knowledge graph lifecycle" at the MALOTEC seminar
  • November 2023: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of TheWebConf 2024
  • November 2023: I had the pleasure to give an invited talk entitled "Knowledge graphs and analogical reasoning: from the example of zero-shot KG bootstrapping to perspectives" at the Workshop on analogies : from learning to explainability (GT MHyIA & EXPLICON – GdR RADIA)
  • November 2023: Our paper "Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs: Existing Gaps and Future Research Challenges" with Claudia d'Amato, Louis Mahon and Giorgos Stamou has been accepted in the TGDK journal
  • November 2023: Our paper "Extraction probabiliste de formes SHACL à l’aide d’algorithmes évolutionnaires" with Rémi Felin, Catherine Faron and Andrea Tettamanzi has been accepted at EGC 2024
  • November 2023: My popularization lightning talk proposal "Using Wikidata to bootstrap a new knowledge graph: selecting relevant entities using analogical pruning" has been accepted at Wikidata Modelling Days 2023
  • October 2023: Our paper "Schema First! Learn Versatile Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Capturing Semantics with MASCHInE" with Nicolas Hubert, Heiko Paulheim, Armelle Brun, and Davy Monticolo has been accepted at K-CAP 2023
  • September 2023: Announcing the Neuro-symbolic AI workshop co-located with ECSQARU 2023 and supported by AFIA and GDR RADIA
  • September 2023: Our paper "Knowledge Graphs for the Life Sciences: Recent Developments, Challenges and Opportunities" with Jiaoyan Chen, Hang Dong, Janna Hastings, Ernesto Jiménez-Ruiz, Vanessa López, Catia Pesquita, Petr Škoda, Valentina Tamma has been accepted in the TGDK journal
  • September 2023: Our paper "Sem@K: Is my knowledge graph embedding model semantic-aware?" with Nicolas Hubert, Armelle Brun, and Davy Monticolo has been accepted in the Semantic Web Journal
  • September 2023: Thrilled to join the Wimmics team - Université Côte d'Azur as a Junior Fellow in AI
  • August 2023: Our paper "Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning" with Lucas Jarnac and Miguel Couceiro has been accepted at CIKM 2023
  • July 2023: Our abstract "Relevant Entity Selection: Knowledge Graph Bootstrapping via Zero-Shot Analogical Pruning" with Lucas Jarnac and Miguel couceiro has been accepted for presentation at LFA 2023
  • July 2023: We provide a new track in the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2023 based on PGxLOD. Check-out the Pharmacogenomics Track and related data sets!
  • April 2023: Our short abstract "Wikidata to Bootstrap an Enterprise Knowledge Graph: How to Stay on Topic?" with Lucas Jarnac has been accepted for presentation at the Wiki Workshop 2023
  • April 2023: I have been invited as an Editorial Board member of the TGDK journal
  • April 2023: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of the ISWC 2023 research track
  • April 2023: I have been invited as a member of the Program Committee of the ECML-PKDD 2023 research track
  • March 2023: I had the pleasure of presenting my work about "Knowledge graph construction, refinement, and applications, with a neuro-symbolic perspective" at a meeting of the GT MHyIA of GdR RADIA
  • March 2023: I was thrilled to give an invited talk entitled "Knowledge graph construction, refinement, and applications, with a neuro-symbolic perspective" at the WIMMICS seminar
  • February 2023: I had the pleasure to give an invited talk entitled "Knowledge graphs: construction, refinement, and applications, with a neuro-symbolic perspective" at the Language & Cognition seminar of IDMC, Université de Lorraine
  • January 2023: I had the pleasure to give an invited talk entitled "Knowledge graphs: construction, matching, and applications" at the CRIL seminar
  • January 2023: YAGO4-LP, our link prediction datasets based on the YAGO4 knowledge graph are available on Zenodo
  • November 2022: I have been invited to a panel discussion with Miguel Couceiro and Mathieu d'Aquin on the subject "From machine learning to knowledge and back: A (de)tour over reasoning, analogies and knowledge graphs" during the Cognitive Science and NLP forum of IDMC - Université de Lorraine
  • October 2022: Our paper "From Tabular Data to Knowledge Graphs: A Survey of Semantic Table Interpretation Tasks and Methods" has been accepted in the Journal of Web Semantics
  • October 2022: The proceedings of ISWC 2022 are available!
  • October 2022: Our paper "Wikidata to Bootstrap an Enterprise Knowledge Graph: How to Stay on Topic?" with Lucas Jarnac has been accepted at the Wikidata 2022 workshop of ISWC 2022
  • September 2022: Our paper "New Strategies for Learning Knowledge Graph Embeddings: the Recommendation Case" with Nicolas Hubert, Armelle Brun, and Davy Monticolo won the best paper award at EKAW 2022
  • September 2022: Our paper "Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Link Prediction: Beware of Semantics!" with Nicolas Hubert, Armelle Brun, and Davy Monticolo has been accepted at the DL4KG 2022 workshop of ISWC 2022
  • September 2022: Our paper "Matching Pharmacogenomic Knowledge: Particularities, Results, and Perspectives" with Adrien Coulet has been accepted at the OM 2022 workshop of ISWC 2022
  • September 2022: I have given an invited talk entitled "Knowledge graphs: construction, matching, and mining" at JDSE 2022
  • July 2022: Our two project proposals ECLADATTA and AT2TA have been accepted for funding by the French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • July 2022: Our paper "Interactions Between Knowledge Graph-Related Tasks and Analogical Reasoning: A Discussion" with Miguel Couceiro has been accepted at the ATA 2022 workshop
  • July 2022: Our paper "New Strategies for Learning Knowledge Graph Embeddings: the Recommendation Case" with Nicolas Hubert, Armelle Brun, and Davy Monticolo has been accepted at EKAW 2022
  • July 2022: I have given an invited talk about my work "Matching and mining in knowledge graphs of the Web of data - Applications in pharmacogenomics" at the 4th GdR MaDICS symposium
  • July 2022: Our paper "DAGOBAH: Annotation sémantique de données tabulaires par comparaison du contexte des tables et d'un graphe de connaissances" won the best paper award at IC 2022
  • June 2022: I have given an invited talk about my work "Matching and mining in knowledge graphs of the Web of data - Applications in pharmacogenomics" at the DECADE workshop of PFIA 2022
  • June 2022: Our poster "PGxCorpus and PGxLOD: two shared resources for knowledge management in pharmacogenomics" has been accepted at JOBIM 2022
  • June 2022: I have been invited to present my career during the career day of TELECOM Nancy
  • May 2022: Our paper "Combiner plongements de graphes et clustering pour l'alignement de connaissances pharmacogénomiques" with Chedy Raïssi, Amedeo Napoli and Adrien Coulet has been accepted at Santé & IA 2022
  • May 2022: I have given an invited talk about our work "Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: a biomedical case study" at the ROCED workshop of KGC 2022
  • May 2022: Our popularization article "Étudier les mécanismes des effets indésirables des médicaments avec l’IA explicable : expériences avec la fouille de graphes de connaissances" has been published in the journal Bulletin de l'AFIA (Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle)
  • April 2022: Our article "DAGOBAH: Annotation sémantique de données tabulaires par comparaison du contexte des tables et d'un graphe de connaissances" has been accepted at IC 2022
  • April 2022: Our demo "DAGOBAH UI: A New Hope for Semantic Table Interpretation" has been accepted at ESWC 2022
  • April 2022: I have been invited to the Program Committee of the DL4KG workshop at ISWC 2022
  • April 2022: Our popularization article "Projet ANR (2016-2021) "PractiKPharma" : extraction, comparaison et découverte de connaissances en pharmacogénomique" has been published in the journal 1024 - Bulletin de la SiF
  • April 2022: Our demo "DAGOBAH UI: A New Hope For Semantic Table Interpretation" has been accepted at ESWC 2022
  • April 2022: Our workshop Analogies: from Theory to Applications (ATA) has been accepted at ICCBR 2022
  • March 2022: Our abstract for oral communication "Investigating ADR mechanisms with Explainable AI: a feasibility study with knowledge graph mining" has been accepted at JOBIM 2022
  • February 2022: I have been invited as a member of the guest editorial board of the Special Issue on Tools & Systems of the Semantic Web Journal
  • January 2022: I have been awarded the "best thesis award" by the French Association EGC ("Extraction et Gestion des connaissances" - Knowledge Extraction and Engineering). I have been invited to present my work at EGC 2022
  • November 2021: Our paper Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: a biomedical case study with Chedy Raïssi, Amedeo Napoli and Adrien Coulet has been accepted to the Special Issue on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs of the Semantic Web Journal
  • October 2021: I will be Proceedings & Metadata co-chair of ISWC 2022 with Giuseppe Pirrò
  • October 2021: We won the 1st prize (Accuracy Track) at the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2021, co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC’21)